Rivalry week in the Big-10!
Iowa went all-black—kinda late in the season to the black bandwagon, especially for a team that has black as a school color! But a good combo vs. the always classic red/white Nebraska.
Northwestern went all-purple for the first time this season, which is also surprising since they have gone all-black and all-white several times this season! Illinois had a spacial Wrigley Field themed ivy covered helmet logo.
Purdue went all-white in an actual snow game at Indiana.
MSU went all-green with S block logo against red and white Rutgers-a festive start to December in another snow game.
Washington and Michigan looked like twins in the normal helmet with all-white jersey and pants. Penn State and Maryland a pretty red, white and blue affair.
The least nice looking matchup were the Oregon Raiders vs the too-white— but not all-white— Huskies.